Monday, August 31, 2009


Some refer to this ruin site as "Snake House Ruin". When you see the great pictograph of snake above the ruin, you may agree. This is a long, dry 10 mile round-trip hike from Utah Rt. 163, (about) 7 miles west of the town of Bluff (and just west of Comb Ridge). Between mile marker 37 and 38 on the paved highway, go left (or south) on dirt road San Juan County Rd. 237.
Oh all right lazy, you can drive all the way to the site almost. This is a hiking blog! Either way, don't miss it.
Anyway, at 1.8 miles, look for a cowboy cabin on your right. At 4 miles take the steep uphill trail left. (The straight split here goes to the San Juan River in 1/2 mile.) In a quarter mile now you will cross a cattle guard. Mile 5 reaches the ruin site.
There has been plenty of vandalism and rebuilding going on here. Please be respectful of local heritage and future visitors. Sometimes I wish people couldn't drive to fragile sites. If one has to hike 10 miles to vandalize, that's quite a commitment. I remember this as a hot and sandy walk, requiring much hydrating. We were kind of glad to get a ride part of the way back to our car, parked at the pavement.
Another option for visiting "River House" is by floating the San Juan River. Guides are available in Bluff.
The Butler Wash petroglyph panel is 1 1/2 miles upriver from River House Ruins.

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